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ReportMagic 3.6
New Features
- Cherwell support has been added!
- [Cherwell.XXX:] macros list Cherwell business objects, definitions and properties
- PowerPoint output - if there is PPTX input, PPTX output is always produced (even if the pptx checkbox is not selected). PPTX input can only produce PPTX output (and not, for example, PDF).
- Per Schedule you can now choose not to store output text in the database (and not show on the Progress Page. This is for times when intermediate reporting data must not be stored anywhere. The default is to store and show. Actual output is not affected.
- It is now possible to associate multiple email domains with a single tenant using a comma-separated list of domains in the tenant's configuration
- [Jira.TimeInState:] macro provides the time spent in a given list of states
- [Jira.StatusList:] macro fetches a list of available statuses
- [Object.Unpack:] macro unpacks a JObject and stores variables
- You can no longer save a Schedule with incorrect CRON
- Input forms with multi-select result in all selected items being present in the JSON
- Aggressive garbage collection for workers of completed jobs gives better system performance
- Help has corrections, new examples, additional information on using multi-select forms, information on new macros, fixed links and a better description of normal and legacy modes
- Better control of graph legend items when using the showBoundaries parameter
- Macro Errors in output documents and ReportStudio show as white text on dark red background for better visibility
- In Files, the Refresh icon refreshes only the folder you have highlighted and its children
- In Report Studio, Save As opens at the folder location of the original file
- On the Batch Jobs page, you can now delete output for a job
- When creating/editing an API token, there are Copy buttons for Name and Key
- Choose whether jobs submitted via the ReportMagic API are shown in the UI
- All OData endpoints are Async
- All macros now support:
- A warning parameter where you can add a message and highlight the macro in the output. This parameter is evaluated as an NCalc.
- An if parameter (default true) which can be used to determine whether to execute that macro. This parameter is evaluated as an NCalc.
- [Calendar:] macro now supports autoFit=Content and autoFit=Window
- [DateTime:] macro has language support
- [DateTime:] macro now outputs to a DateTimeOffset in normal mode only when format is explicitly set to empty
- [Jira.Xxx:] macros return properties like 'Created' as a full UTC DateTime
- [List.Add:], [List.GroupBy:], [List.Sort:] and [List.Where:] macros now work with JArrays
- List macros with empty input values produce either an empty list (normal mode) or an empty string (legacy mode)
- [LogicMonitor.Graph:] and most other graph macros have custom palettes or choose from: Default, LogicMonitor, RainbowStandard and RainbowExtended
- [LogicMonitor.SummaryValueList:] in normal mode now outputs a JArray
- [ReportMagic.ReportProperty: property=triggeredBy] has an additional possibility of outputting "ReportStudio" when that is the originator of a report (other options being Schedule or Manual)
- [Web.Image:] now works with SVG file types
Bug fixes
- On the Progress Page, after cancelling a form popup, you can now always re-run the form
- Fixed a problem when cancelling some running Schedules
- Fixed an intermittent file download issue
- Search Everything now always takes you to the correct help page
- It is not now possible to have more than one of the same RBAC permission assigned to a role
- Fixed an RBAC issue so that Run button is available as appropriate in Schedules
- [Calendar:] macro highlightForegroundColor parameter now works correctly in a Schedule
- [Calculate:] and [List.SummaryValue:] macros now correctly process lists
- [Graph.Update:] macro now correctly updates the embedded XLSX data for charts in Word and PowerPoint
- [Jira.IssueCommentProperty:] and [Jira.IssueLastCommentProperty:] macros no longer fail if there is no comment
- [LogicMonitor.DeviceAnalysis:] macro now works when no properties are selected
- [LogicMonitor.Graph:] macro, when using forecast, now works if the dataSourceName and the dataSourceInstanceName parameters are both set
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