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ReportMagic 3.7
New Features
- Schedule can now be configured to stop if a warning, macro error, or system error is found using the "Stop On" field in the Schedule Edit/Create dialog box
- Web Connections now support Basic Authentication
- Cherwell API 1.0.9 support:
- Better logging and information for failures
- You can set MaxAttempts in your Connection
- LogicMonitor API v3 support
- [Gravatar.Image:] inserts a gravatar image
- [Jira.IssueAnalysis:] adds a customizable pivot graph Issue Analysis tab to XLSX output.
- [Jira.IssueResponseTime:] returns the length of time from ticket creation to ANY type of response such as a comment or status change) for a Jira issue
- [ReportMagic.ReportConnectionSummary:] provides summary statistics about a Connection's usage as part of a Report Job
- [Stop:] stops the current Report Job and any further macros from being processed while other Report Jobs in the Report Job will continue to run
User Interface
- Multiple Schedules can be selected/deleted at once
- Many documentation improvements including examples and error messages
- On the Progress Page, you can now copy a variable's value to the clipboard
- [File.LoadObject:] macro, in Normal mode, loads the contents of a JSON file into a single JObject
- [File.LoadList:] macro allows header rows to contain numbers (or text as numbers, etc)
- [Graph.Update:] supports additional chart types of Area, Column and Radar
- Relevant [Jira.XXX] macros have various new properties - OriginalEstimateInSeconds, RemainingEstimateInSeconds, TimeSpentInSeconds and TimeTrackingData
- [LogicMonitor.Graph:] customPaletteHexCodes now errors when an HTML colour is invalid
- [LogicMonitor.SummaryValueList:] macro used with PercentConditionMet aggregation now displays (rather than the percentage value) date time ranges where the condition was met.
- [ReportMagic.SetReportProperty:] macro won’t allow outputFileName to end in a dot (.)
- [LogicMonitor.Graph:] now supports dashboard widget graphs
Bug Fixes
- Files: Folder renaming no longer causes an API error
- UI: Spinner now stops when batch job has completed
Fixed Macros
- [File.LoadList:] macro can now be used with the format parameter without causing a system error
- [If:] macro does NOT support the 'if' parameter (but does support 'condition', as before)
- [Jira.IssueCommentList:] now correctly adheres to what is specified in the properties parameter
- [LogicMonitor.Graph:] gives a macro error when using legendTextWrapThreshold if the value is negative since valid values are 0 or more
- [LogicMonitor.Query:] macro now correctly produces a macro error not a system error when the query is invalid
- [LogicMonitor.SummaryValueList:] does not error when using aggregation=All and there are null values
- [Meraki.NetworkClientList:] macro now correctly produces a macro error not a system error when the network client ID specified is invalid
- [SearchAndReplace:] is now able to search/replace where a search string contains space
- [Table.Sort:] now correctly gives a macro error if you try and skip too many rows
- HTML tags are no longer stripped from output
- Report Studio now saves HTML files with the closing HTML tag correctly
- HTML documents without a <body> tag process correctly
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