ReportMagic 3.9
New Macros
- [Function.Define:] macro lets you store macros and not process them until they are called by [Function:Call:]
- [LogicMonitor.HistoricSdtList:] macro returns historic SDTs in the chosen date range
- [LogicMonitor.SdtPercentage:] macro determines the percentage of time that a Website, DeviceDataSource, DeviceGroupDataSource or DeviceDataSourceInstance is in Scheduled Down Time
- [Random:] macro generates random numbers
- [ReportMagic.BadgeList:] lists ReportMagic badges achieved by a user
- Powerpoint macros which can now be inserted into a shape's text or Alt Text:
- [Shape.Add:] supporting all the built-in shape types
- [Shape.Clone:]
- [Shape.Format:] supporting various manipulations of a shape (fill colour, font size, etc.)
- [Shape.Hide:]
- [Shape.SetText:] to set entire shape's text
- Macros that generate images or charts (such as [File.Image:], [LogicMonitor.Graph:], [Web.Image:])
- Significant performance improvements with [ForEach:] macros, as well as when very large variables are used
- Cherwell macros will now double the inter-retry delay each time an attempt is made, starting at 10 seconds
- Dark Mode - context menus are correctly styled
- Excel output columns size correctly based on content
- Files page:
- In Chrome and Microsoft Edge browsers, you can download a single file from Files to File Explorer by dragging it
- Uploading multiple files where there is some overwrite required prompts you to overwrite all files, or skip overwrite and upload only new files
- Ctrl + V shortcut now pastes
- [File.Embed:] macro now generates a macro error for unsupported file types, supports the failureText parameter and If conditional evaluation
- [ForEach:] can be used with a list of lists in Normal Mode
- Help and documentation updates including setting up ReportMagic to connect to your SFTP system
- When a Report Studio window has been opened because you clicked a file in Files, Report Studio File menu options use the same location
- Press the new microphone button on the Search dialog to search using voice on Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome browsers
- Schedules:
- More Error Handling options for a Schedule to specify when to stop it running and whom should be emailed about this
- You cannot specify empty input or output folders when modifying a Schedule
- It is now possible to cancel a job when it contains a macro that never stops running
Bug Fixes
- [AutoTask.XXX:] macros work for all entities
- [Calculate:] macro works correctly with JValues
- [Dataverse.Count:] and [Dataverse.List:] macros, if failing, will clear the OData Client cache and retry
- [Email.Report:] macro sends even when there are no files to attach
- Files:
- Files can now be copy and pasted file within a single folder
- Cut cuts and copies to clipboard as expected
- Users cannot rename an item to start with a period
- Copying a file from an SFTP folder to another SFTP folder no longer deletes the original file
- New folder text is now highlighted for editing when creating a new folder
- [File.Embed:] multiple improvements and fixes
- [ForEach:] works as expected in Word and PowerPoint templates
- [Jira.InsertMarkup:] macro:
- Accepts a list item using -
- No longer adds extra spaces into code blocks
- Multiple lists next to each other now produce output as expected
- [LogicMonitor.AlertTable:] and [LogicMonitor.AlertList:] now do not error when inserted before a RepeatRow driven table
- [LogicMonitor.Query:] - the ability to use POST for this macro has been disabled and will be re-introduced in a later version with improved security
- [LogicMonitor.SummaryValue:] works when multiple device IDs are specified
- [LogicMonitor.SummaryValueList:] performs better, especially when excludeSDT=true
- Progress Page:
- Back button returns to the Schedules page in one click
- Paging back through report jobs on the Progress Page no longer reports a reload error
- Macro index always show in the Macro Details tab when a macro is selected
- Updates to show a job transitioning from a Pending to Running state
- [ReportMagic.FeedbackList:] now does not error in Legacy mode
- Schedules:
- Folder picker on create/clone/edit of a Schedule opens at the correct folder
- Statuses are correctly shown rather than claimed to be Running when they are not
- [Snmp.EnterpriseProperty:] macro works as described
- Users whose RBAC permissions deny them seeing SFTP files additionally cannot see the folder location of such files
- files no longer give a system error when saving, if XLSX output is selected for the Schedule
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